Do you know what Ichigo Kurosaki means?
In Japan, lastname comes first so it will be Kurosaki Ichigo.
This is how to spell Kurosaki Ichigo in Japanese 黒崎一護.
黒 read "Kuro", means "black"
崎 read "saki", means "cape"
一 read "ichi", means "one"
護 read "go", means "protect"
Ichigo is not a common name in Japan.
Japanese anime and manga character tend to have names that are uncommon or names that makes us wonder how to spell, or on the otherhand names that tells us that the character is a parody of some one.
So from the names of the characters, you can feel that there are some kind of intension or feeling of the authour.
I feel some strong intension or feeling of the authour by the naming.
Even though "Ichigo" is spelled "to protect the one" or "Protect one thing", it could be misunderstood with "strawberry."
Strawberry in Japanese is spelled differently but pronunced "Ichigo".
By the way, this is how straberry is spelled in Japanese 苺.
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