What does anime character's name mean? Japanese anime Bleach
What does Rukia Kuchiki mean?
Rukia Kuchiki is second main character in anime Bleach.
I think she is cutest anime girl!
She is cute!
OK, What does he name mean.
朽 read "kuch", means "rot"
木 read "ki", means "tree"
ル read "ru" means nothing
キ read "ki" means nothing
ア read "a" means nothing
like ルキア, these symbols are call "katakana" and it makes a sound but it doesn't mean any thing by it's own. "Katakana" is usually used for loan word's from oversea. Because foreign language is impossible to spell in Chinese character.
So Rukia doesn't mean anything to us, do you think of a originating word or name of a god in your language?
Bleach Rukia Fan Art Web Sites
Japanese Anime Bleach character list
Image from Anime Bleach Game offical site